Top Gear 4×2

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Top Gear: 4x2

Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren, Alfa Romeo 166, Cadillac Escalade

REVIEWS: Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren • Alfa Romeo 166 • Cadillac Escalade • Ford FAB-1

CHALLENGE: A nun in a monster truck

In this episode Richard Hammond was hypnotised by Paul McKenna and convinced that he couldn’t remember how to drive.

The American ‘bling’ machine, the Cadillac Escalade, is driven by Richard who probably wished he couldn’t drive after five minutes behind the wheel. A nun, Sister Wendy Beckett, drives a monster truck. James drove an enormous pink Ford from ‘Thunderbirds’ and two Alfa Romeos are featured: the 166 and the 147 GTA. There’s also a look at the glorious McLaren Mercedes SLR.Paul McKenna is the Star in a Reasonably Priced Car.

May. 16, 2004